Friday, December 25, 2009

MeRRy ChRiSTmaS !!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

My ChRiStmAS CaRdS !!!

I made these using a kit, from The Scrappy Gourmet .
They have WONDERFUL kits!

I made these ornaments from a Joli Paquet kit.
This one was put together by

The Joli kits are such a delight to put together,
from the packaging they come in,
to the finishing touches is FUN, FUN, FUN!!
I'll be back with more things I've made
and some decoration pictures!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

MoRe PrOjeCT InsPiRaTioNs !!!

How about creating some wonderful Christmas projects!
12 Days Of Comfort and Joy E-Zine
It starts today! I am so excited!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

MeRRy DeCeMBer !!

Time to get busy !!!