Sunday, February 22, 2009

ThE LaSt OF VaLeNtiNeS DaY !!

My basket of hearts!
I really enjoyed making these.
It was fun creating something different.

A little LOVE on my coffee table.

My fireplace decorations.

Here is a little wall hanging decoration I made with inspiration from
Blissful Elements.

My sweet little side table.

Another wall hanging I made.
I couldn't really get a good pic of it.
It's really pretty and glittery.

I love these spools and these were so fun to make!

My Family Room all decorated for Valentines Day!

It looked so beautiful in the evening.
I didn't want to take down my decorations.
I love red, pink and hearts!

Monday, February 16, 2009

ITs StiLL VaLeNtiNeS DaY !!

I'm going to celebrate all week!
One day isn't good enough!
It's going to be a week of LOVE !

Here are the some heart shaped pancakes,
I made on Valentines Day for my kids.

I have a lot more Valentines Day projects to show you!

Here are a couple cards I've made.
I used an old Rustic Artisans kit from 2005!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

LoVe IS In ThE AiR !!


I love Valentines Day!
It's one of my favorite holidays behind
Christmas and Halloween!
I have been doing some Valentine creating.Here is a "Love" wall banner I made for my Mom!
I also made a couple Valentine bottles!
These were so fun to make and they are so pretty!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

IT's FeBrUaRY !!!

I cant believe it is February 5th already!
Time flies when your having fun, I guess!
I am FINALLY done with my Christmas Album!

If you want to see the rest of my album
check out my Flickr !